May 13, 2011

Of Women and Cheating

As the world embraces the need for literacy, women worldwide are calling for equal rights as men.
If a man can fly a plane, so can a lady.

Where there’s Super Eagles, there’s Super Falcons winning trophies

Where there’s a male presidential candidate, there’s a female equally giving it a shot

So if there are men that cheat, it only follows that there are women that cheat...after all what a man can do, a woman can do better...right? RIGHT?!!!

While I cannot say that women cheat more or better than guys (is it even a competition?)...the fact remains that a percentage of them cheat.

Why so? You might ask?

Well just as I did in my last post “Of men and cheating”, I asked three ladies the simple question Why Do Women Cheat? Here’s what they had to say.

Girl #1
In my opinion, I believe babes cheat simply because they want the best of both worlds, just like men do. A woman wants (and in most cases needs) stability in her life, so yeah she'll have a boyfriend. On the other hand, some women love all the attention that comes with flirting with another guy. You know that feeling of being "wanted" by someone else...maybe seeing two guys at the same time makes them feel like a bad babe..some say its for security. (You must have heard of assistant boyfriends). It doesn't mean they don't love their boyfriends, most of them believe its harmless fun, I mean guys do it so why the fuss when a babe does the same.. We all know its a man's world out there so I won't dwell on this. Another factor is money. As a girl you have a man that is working hard for his money and provides for you to the best of his ability but because you want to "keep up with the Jones", you have an affair with another guy, who showers you with cash, in most cases a married man aka Aristo aka Sugardaddy aka Helper aka Uncle or whatever girls call them these days.
~ Tayo Olaofe (@temitee14)

Girl #2
Mind trip: I personally define this as the conversations in your head that spur you on to act!
I'll look at cheating from two angles;
-- Nymphomania
Let me just state here that a nympho, IMO (in my opinion) has a case of "overdosed mind trip sessions"
Susan is a nympho the only conversations she has in her head is lying to herself that sex is wht keeps her alive. Susan has a boy friend, Tobi, who has an average sexual libido and therefore can't keep up with her. She is aware that she exhibits excessive sexual desire and behaviour and has told Tobi about this but he would NOT try to help so Susan cheats on Tobi with other men.

Which leads me to the "Ex-Factors aka Okafor's Law

-- Still in sex with my ex
Apart from the obvious reason that home girl is still hung up on her ex emotionally or atleast physically, the okafor's law for (full explanation see thetoolsman's blog) basically postulates that "the seduced will always go back to the seducer, even despite the fact that he/she is in another relationship. Now why would anyone think they could get away with/hide such trysts from a new partner? Is it that blinded by the thrill or danger of the illicit affair, the seduced believes they are invisible...possibly! But I think it is often times a case of self deception and placing false importance in what you and your ex had going on brought on by too many conversations with ones self.
The mind is a special place, always analyzing and arguing with itself, this case its analyzing and comparing sex with current boyfriend and ex-boyfriend..
~ Sophia Ike-onu (@Kechilauren)

Girl #3:
The ones you love are the ones who hurt you the most and vice versa.
Some girls who cheat do it because their partners have hurt them in some way and the most likely way to get back at them is to cheat. In such cases cheating is synonymous with getting even. Then again some cheat out of defiance, rebellion or to maintain a modicum and shred of independence. Some girls who are in-over-their-heads in abusive relationships or overly suspicious boyfriends do it out of the mind set of "whether I cheat or not, he will abuse me so I might as well do something to deserve what I am getting" or just to have a part of them no matter how tiny, immune to the influence of the guys over their lives.
~ Moyo Larmie (@larmoy)

Ayaba Says:
The workings of a woman's mind is very complex and it is this that influences her actions. A lady can cheat for a number of reasons ranging from the need to validate her sexuality/womanhood (more rampant with married women), to gullibility or fallling out of love with her current partner. What do you know, it might even be induced by emotional abuse such as rape and battery. However for what ever reason, the one thing that I and all the contributors strongly agree on is that CHEATING IS WRONG. There is always a way around things. You crave someone constanting at your beck and call? Get a dog!, Your partner no longer makes you happy? End the relationship and start off with someone who does.

Be innovative and seek other less hurtful and degrading options!


1 comment:

  1. its amazing the amount of females that cheat these days. Gone are the days cheating was a man's forte...SAD STUFF. Well said girls!
