Jan 9, 2012

A Piece

I write a piece that speaks of peace
Way past the sunny smiles, from deep within
A place where everything agrees
Beliefs coexist and religious extremists didn't hit the streets
Where youths are not wasted in service to their nation

I write a piece that speaks of peace
Of leaders who aren't filled with greed
Of offices which seek to please
The very masses who vote them in
Where opinions are freely given
And criticisms just as easily taken
Of policies made and followed through
And budget spent on more than a costly meal.

I write a piece that speaks of peace
Not the type we hear on TV
From lips of glorified illiterates
Promising heaven yet ensuring hell
Forgetting their lowly beginnings
As they bring an end to their brothers' dreams
Corporate thieves!

I write a piece that speaks of peace
Where tsunamis and earthquakes belong in books
And loved ones return safe from school
Where families go for holiday in the Middle East
And Katrina remains another pretty face
Never famed for causing pain

I write a piece that speaks of peace
Of a world that never did exist
Of summer in December and springtime in August
Where fear is foreign and violence a myth
Where laws remain unbroken, but I guess its time I awoken

To write a piece that speaks of peace
Of strength where it should fail
Of tears that flow without shame
Of guts and victory
Of sacrifice and pain
Of redemption
Of love
I write a piece that speaks of peace.


  1. Powerful evocations of emotion

  2. Tommy I love you so much sometimes I get scared. This is really lovely. Words cannot begin to express.....This gives me hope as a new kid on the blogging block. Keep writing, Keep blogging. Kisses

  3. Tommytomtom I am in love with you.
