Dec 1, 2010


I am labelled
Because I speak with spasmodic repetition of syllables
Words in my heart, out my mouth they tumble
To put in coherence becomes a struggle
So I fumble.
I try again till I pronounce "bu-bu-bu-bble"
Till I make sense of the words I juggle.

I'm not upset
Though I long to see the sunset
The colour of my skin I do not know
For lack of options I go with the flow
I do not sway
Everyday my stick hits the walkway
Searching for obstacles in my vicinity
I brave the odds, I exercise my virility.

In a crowd I am jostled
From right to left I hobble
A condition without remedy
A fixture in stand up comedy
The sound of the laughter
A contrast to my life's chapter
I swallow my misgivings
On bent legs I earn a living.

I long to be wanted
But with your eyes I'm castigated
Most times isolated
A price paid for a condition not I created.

Some days I snap. I cry. I curse.
I mourn the day my world went off course.
And when I'm done I mop it up.
I gather my wits.
Nose in the air, I stick it up.
I stretch, I search, I reach from within.
I look for a talent that is uniquely me.
I do my best knowing it may never be enough.
I do it still to prove my worth.
My push.
My driving force.
What you call disability
Heralds thisABILITY.

1 comment:

  1. this is a master piece... i always admire ur write ups... i hope to be like u when i grow up!!! keep it up!
