Dec 17, 2010

The Diary Of An IT Student

It all began one fine morning when I reported for work at (let's call it) Agency X.

As I said it was a fine morning. The fact that I hardly had 5 hours of sleep the previous night due to excitement at the prospect of working in this particular company did nothing to deter my mood.
I was in high spirits you see. The night before I had spent a couple of hours, (and when I say couple I don't mean two) searching for the appropriate outfit for my first day at work. Seeking help from friends on twitter and my blackberry contacts (you know yourselves, God bless your obliging souls). Seeing me, one would have thought this was my first working experience even though I had done a holiday job in a bank 2 years before. But there was just something about Agency X. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was a well respected agency in the advertising industry (oops..I've given you a clue). Anyway, where was I? Ahh..yes! It was a fine morning indeed.

However, if I thought I was going to be filled with the same joie de verve every day for the 2 months I would be there for, I was soon to be faced with the harsh truth.

For the first week I diligently resumed position in front of the mirror every night deciding on the outfit to wear to work the next day. Sadly this didn't last past the first week. When you leave the house at 7am and get home by 8pm the last thing on your mind is clothes (after all I was there to learn and not to do fashion parade). Don't get me wrong I loved working in Agency X but after a while I soon appreciated the real essence of TGIF (Thank God Its Friday). Dearest Friday. If not for anything..for the fact that I got to wake up as late as 9am sometimes (I know right..thank God for small mercies). Then there was the long and tiring journey home (sigh). And that is that on the down side of being an IT student in Agency X. (And I'm not patronising, I mean it..that's all there is to it).

Now on the flip side. Where do I begin? (The correct response at this point will be, "at the beginning" right? Thank you Captain Obvious). But how does one begin to cram at least 7hrs of working goodness out of d 9hrs(officially, unofficially 10/11hrs depending on what I have on my desk) I spent at work daily for 2months into a blog post? But try I shall. While at Agency X I learnt A LOT, a whole lot. I learnt responsibility, deadline compliance, trust, team work, crisis management, people management, and lots more; that is, beside all the PR and AD on the job training I got. And yes, I met some of the most wonderful people ever. People that will be etched in my memory for the rest of my life.
There was my HOD." Oyinbo" as he is called by a few of his colleagues. This man right here was my teacher and friend. Minutes in his office could see us discussing the next proposal he wanted me to draw up, and the next thing you know, we are gisting about his youthful days. He believed in me. And for that I appreciate him. He had a nice name too.

There was "Constie"..what a beautiful and down to earth person. Oh yea..and she took no nonsense from anyone. Funny too.

There was "Flakky".."Iyawo" first friend in the office. Sweet and sensitive.

There was "Gadafi" Gee.

There was "Dolly"..this girl can eat! Good thing it doesn't tell on her figure. My small but mighty friend.

There was "Toks" bestfriend in d office. My Amazingly talented sweetheart.

There was "Deji"..always teasing whom I'm grateful for introducing me 2 d company.

There was "Bayo"..who walked me to the bustop everyday. My caretaker..beautiful soul.

There was "MM" cheerful..I love this girl.

There was "MD"..this man had swagger.

There was "Yemisi"...thanks to him I got a placement in the agency.

There was "Mrs. Alli" namesake's mum..if not for anything, for that I liked her, among her other great attributes even though she never let me print in her department.

And the whole "sweeties" the receptionists who "chopped knuckles" every morning, Mr. Issa, Tobi, Bimpe, Sister Mary, Aunty Philo (my customers), and the list continues...

As I write this I have tears in my eyes (forgive me, I'm quite the waterfall). So many people I'm going to miss. So many things I'd miss out on; the little office friction and chemistry, the office gist, the shows, working to meet a deadline. I would miss it all.

But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

To this tall building that had come to be my second home..the middle finger goes up, and the index finger follows..DEUCES!

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